Monday, March 30, 2009
8 months old

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Finally! A new post!!!
Mallory is growing into a beautiful young lady. What a joy she brings to our lives each and every day. She loves to sing!!! She loves the songs from church and the ones I teach her, but she has lately enjoyed writing her own songs! She has become famous for performing her songs at recent family get-togethers. I love the innocence of it all and hope it stays with her for a long, long time. She also loves to dance. You'd never know she doesn't take lessons by the way she waltzes around whenever music is played. The ballerina in her comes alive! She has also become a sweet little mommy to her baby doll, Joy. And imaginative play is her favorite, as Mr. Rabbit, her imaginary friend, is constantly with us wherever we go. Just yesterday she was walking outside and said hello to everything she saw. And everything said hello back. It went something like this... "Hello, tree. Hello, Mallory" "Hello, sidewalk. Hello, Mallory" "Hello, bush. Hello, Mallory." I just love to hear her play like that.