Well, Jack's birthday party was a huge hit!!! After months of planning and preparation, it was definitely a grand slam day. Back when I was pregnant and found out we were having a baby boy, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do for his first birthday. It just had to be a BASEBALL theme because I wanted to celebrate his "rookie season"!!! So, here's the invitation I created:

I decorated banquet size tables with blue tablecloths, sprinkled with bubble gum, cracker jack boxes, and baseball trading cards.

I hung a 1st birthday banner and "homerun" balloons & streamers from the fireplace.

I made a centerpiece using a Texas Rangers batting helmet, balloons, cracker jacks, a picture of Jack in a baseball outfit, and a pennant. Beside it I had two photos of Jack in baseball frames.

This is the table with the cokes, ice cream, cake, and party favors. The party favors were ice cream cone cups filled with a baseball boo-boo ice pack, baseball kleenex, and a baseball whistle.

This is the table for the FOOD: Baseball theme food, of course! Hot dogs and nachos!!! I wrapped each person a fork, knife, and spoon in a paper napkin wrapped with a baseball and #1 label. These were placed in popcorn containers and set beside the plates.

I made Jack's cake in the shape of a baseball glove and made additional baseball cupcakes.

Our birthday boy was dressed in a "Little Slugger" baseball cap, Lil Slugger striped shortall, and baseball shoes!!!

Here's our family of four!!!

Jack seemed to enjoy his cake!!

Except for wanting his hands to be cleaned!!! "Clean it off, Mama!" :-)

He also loved helping open the presents! Big Sister, Mallory, was a BIG help with this, too!!!

He couldn't wait to dive in and see what he got!!

Overall, it was a fabulous, fun day! I can't believe he's one. It's unbelievable. We went to the doctor for his 1 year checkup and he's 30 inches long and weighs 21lbs., 14 oz. Ok, time can freeze now!