Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Charm Bracelet Giveaway Bonus Entry!

Thanks for stopping by today!  Have you entered my giveaway for a chance to win YOUR CHOICE of a finished charm bracelet from Charm Factory!??!!?  The giveaway ends tonight!! 

How would you like to have a bonus entry!?!?!

Comment on the giveaway post with "one more chance" along with your email address and you'll receive one extra entry!  (Make sure you have done the mandatory entry as stated in the giveaway instructions or the bonus entry will not count.)
Click here to enter and receive your bonus entry!!

Giggle, Giggle, Quack DVD Review

Look at what was just released from Scholastic Storybook Treasures!!!! 

Here's what they have to say about it...

Featuring everyone’s favorite personified animals, GIGGLE, GIGGLE, QUACK … AND MORE STORIES BY DOREEN CRONIN includes adaptations of many of the author’s best-loved books and celebrity narration by Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine), Alexander Gould (Weeds) and Grammy® Award-winning singer Randy Travis. The DVD, which supports reading comprehension, vocabulary and problem solving, will be available in stores and at on March 30th for $14.95SRP.

The title story is the hilarious sequel to “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type”. This time, Farmer Brown’s animals pull their old tricks on Farmer Brown’s brother, Bob. Duck instigates the action, ordering pizza with anchovies for the hens and renting “The Sound of Moosic” for the cows. The lively animation and witty ploys of the animals will keep kids laughing, as will Randy Travis’ warm and humorous style of narration. Adapted from Cronin’s story and Betsy Lewin’s illustrations Weston Woods Studios original production captured an Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children’s Video and Notable Video selection by the American Library Association.

GIGGLE, GIGGLE, QUACK … AND MORE STORIES BY DOREEN CRONIN also includes four additional stories, animated from the original storybook illustrations of Betsy Lewin and Harry Bliss: “Dooby Dooby Moo”, “Duck for President” and the best-selling “Diary of a Worm” and “Diary of a Fly.” As an exclusive bonus, the DVD also includes an interview with illustrator Harry Bliss and Spanish versions of “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” and “Duck for President.”  

Perfect for early readers, ages 3 to 8, the DVD features an enhanced read-along function and NEW Talk about the Story questions to enhance early literacy skills. Children will also have the opportunity to hone their bilingual skills with the two of Spanish adaptations, which also includes the enhanced read-along where they words are highlighted as they are read.

Now.... what did Burkett Blessings think about it?!?!
Mallory and I really enjoyed it!  Let me just say that "Duck" is a character!!!  He will crack you up with his antics!  I especially love the fact that this dvd has an optional "read along" component that can be turned on or off.  Out of the five stories on the dvd, Mallory enjoyed "Giggle, Giggle, Quack" and "Dooby Dooby Moo" the most. "Diary of a Fly" and "Diary of a Worm" were not very appealing to her.  They were cute, but didn't interest her as much as the other stories.  I have to agree that the title story was also my favorite.  I enjoyed the smooth, recognizable voice of Randy Travis as he told the story. 

Overall, I liked this dvd.  For me, the read along option is the best part and what makes this dvd stand out from other children's videos.  This video was just released yesterday!!!  You can get your very own copy at!

***Disclaimer: I was given my own copy of this dvd for review purposes.  The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced in any way.***

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bloggy Blessings

Ya'll, I just deposited $25.56 from my paypal account into my bank account!  That money was earned strictly from my blog during the month of March!!!  Isn't that incredible!?!?!  I've been trying to tell ya'll about making a little extra $ with blogging!  :-)  Some of ya'll have been listening and are already seeing some benefits, but for those of you who still haven't gotten on board, let me give you another little push.  :-)

My favorite money maker is Swagbucks!!!!  $10 of that $25.56 was earned by cashing in swagbucks for 2 $5 paypal gift cards.  In case you don't know, Swagbucks is a search engine, powered by Google, that awards you "swagbucks" when you do internet searches.  You can use your swagbucks to buy all kinds of prizes in the swag store.  I love cashing my swagbucks in for cash, but there are all kinds of prizes you can trade your swagbucks for (gift cards, electronics, books, games, music, etc)!!

I found that the quickest way to earn swagbucks is by downloading the Swagbucks toolbar to your internet home page and using it for EVERY single search you do.  I even use this toolbar when I already know the address of the site I'm trying to get to.  For example, I know the web address for Burkett Blessings, but instead of just typing the address into my internet homepage, I use the Swagbucks toolbar and do a search for Burkett Blessings.  It takes me about 10 seconds more to get to where I want to go, but I usually earn Swagbucks, so that extra 10 seconds is definitely worth it.  Why not give Swagbucks a try and get paid for using the internet!!!  It's something you already do, so why not earn some money doing it?!?! 

If you want to give it a try, click here:
Search & Win

Another way I earned money this month, was through Vindale Research.  There are a lot of different ways to earn with this company!!!  My favorite are the emails titled "Reward Mail".  Almost daily, I will receive an email from Vindale with this title.  If I open the email, I am paid 5 cents.  These emails have links to websites that are looking for some traffic.  If I click the links inside these emails, the website opens and I am immediately paid 5 cents more!  So, two clicks of the mouse and I am paid 10 cents.  Yes, that is a small amount, but it begins to add up quickly.  This month I earned $4.15 from Vindale.

Vindale also offers surveys that you can take part in and make a lot more money.  I have participated in several of these also.  They can be done on your own time and you can pick and choose which ones you want to participate in, if any at all.  If you think Vindale Research sounds like something you'd like to try, click here:

The last opportunity I want to share with you today is YouData.  With YouData, advertisers will pay you to view the homepage of their website. When you sign up, you fill out a profile about yourself and give as little or as much information as you want……that you are a mom of 2 kids, for example. Whenever you want to, login to your YouData account to see if advertisers are willing to pay you to look at an ad on their website. You'll find websites of familiar companies and you will also be introduced to all kinds of new companies, too. They pay you to look at their website. And, it's always companies that are associated with the information you put in your profile.  (For example, you won't receive baby websites to view if you don't have a baby.)  You literally click the link and you get paid. Every Friday, YouData deposits the money in your PayPal account for your activity that week.  I earned around $2 from YouData this month.  To sign up for a YouData account and start earning cash, click here:

I hope ya'll will take advantage of these opportunities and start making a little extra $, too!!!  It's amazing how quickly it can add up!  As always, if you have any questions about any of this, please let me know.  I'd be happy to help!  If you decide to try any of these, let me know!  I'd love to hear your success stories!

Don't forget to enter my Charm Factory Charm Bracelet giveaway!!!!!  It ends tomorrow!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Meet Deedle Dee

Jack is trying so hard to communicate!  He can say Mama, Dada, Nana, Papa, hi, bye, and car really well.  He says "Ci-ci" for cousin Macy and "Cah-cah" for cousin Micah. He also says, "Where go?" for where did it go and  "They is!" for there it is.  His first sentence was "Heee is" for here it is!  And he has learned to say "tee-tee" and point to it when I give him his bath!  HA!  But, the one word he LOVES to say the most is "Deedle Dee". 

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to Deedle Dee!!

Oh, how Jack loves Deedle Dee!!!!  Other than "Hi, Mama", Jack's first words every morning are "Where Deedle Dee?"  Talk about a little shadow... Mallory has one!!!

Mallory is very fond of her new name, too!  She absolutely loves her baby brother!  It is such a joy to watch them play together and interact with each other.  She enjoys her role as "big sister" and takes it very seriously!

I am so blessed to have a precious little girl and a sweet little boy!   They are truly my greatest blessings!

The Red Letters Project - Review

As a little girl, my parents took me to church every Sunday morning, every Sunday evening, and every Wednesday evening.  And do you know what?  I loved to go!  My favorite part about church and Sunday school was the music!  I have been involved in the music ministry of my church since I was four years old.  I played in the handbell ensemble when I was in the 4th and 5th grade.  I was blessed to be given special roles in church musicals and pageants all throughout my life.

While in middle school, I became more aware of the gift of music God had given me when I was selected to be part of the All-Region and All-City choirs.  As a highschool student, I was selected to be part of our pop singing group and recieved the honor of being selected to the Texas Baptist All-State Youth Choir.  I went on to receive a music scholarship to Tyler Junior College where I sang and danced with Harmony and Understanding.  Today, I am a member of my church's adult choir and praise team ministry.  And every Wednesday night I help teach a 4 year-old choir.  Although my music has branched out into all genres and styles, it is those church songs - those songs of faith, that I remember and love to sing to this very day!  Christian music is a huge part of who I am.

When Tyndale House Publishers offered me the chance to review The Red Letters Project, I was very excited!  You see, The Red Letters Project is a collection of 40 songs that are all the words of Jesus from the book of Matthew set to music!  Wow!  I generally listen to praise and worship, so this music is much different from what I am am used to singing and listening to, but the message and the meaning are all there!  I especially love "Kingdom of Heaven".  The whole collection is an amazing performance of what I would call soft rock music.  It is easy to listen to and is a wonderful way to learn scripture.  Have you ever noticed that when you sing something or set words to music they are much easier to remember?  And what better words to have memorized than those of Jesus?!

The Red Letters Project is a 3-cd collection that includes the complete printed book of Matthew with song track references.  Some of the words are spoken, but most are sung to upbeat rhythms that really get you moving.  Anyone who loves rock music will love this project!  This music is especially suitable for teenagers or anyone who prefers a more upbeat style.

Tyndale House Publishers provided me with a complimentary copy of The Red Letters Project for review purposes.  You can purchase your own copy from Tyndale House Publishers when they are released in June, 2010.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Adventures

Today Mallory went to a birthday party for a sweet little friend.  It was held at a local amusement park that had putt-putt, go-cart tracks, bumper boats, and a huge game room.  It was our first time to go there, so we weren't 100% sure of what to expect.  Mallory has a fear of the unknown, so she was very apprehensive about it all.  The first thing we saw when we arrived was a dark game room that was somewhat loud.  Mallory grabbed my hand as we rushed through to get to the outside party area.  Once outside, we saw a big pool area filled with bumper boats.  She watched the boats for a little bit while the party guests were arriving.  After cake, ice cream, and presents the kids were released to their parents to go play! 

Mallory got her nerve up and decided she really wanted to ride the boats.  I was concerned for her, because I know she's not much of the "carnival-type".  She likes things like the merry-go-round and small rides, but she's afraid of the bigger stuff.  When it was her turn to get in the boat, she wanted ME to ride with her!! 

Now, what most of you don't know about me is I get seasick, really easy!  But, hey, this was not the ocean or a big lake.  It was just bumper boats for heaven's sake.  I could do this!!!  We boarded the boat and the motor was started.  We were given very brief instructions and told to go!  Oh man!  We got going ok and then all our boat would do was spin in a circle!  Spin, rock, spin, spin, rock, rock, bump, rock, bump, spin, spin! 
Do you get the picture???? 

We were stuck in the middle of the pool area spinning, rocking, and getting bumped. Mallory said, "Mommy, how do we get back to shore?!"  My head was spinning and I can honestly say I was definitely ready to "get back to shore!!!"  Holy cow!!!  I believe God stepped in and took control of that little boat, because somehow it made it's way back to a "parking spot" on the "shore" and we were able to get out!  WHEW!!!!!  I can't tell you how dizzy and weak-in-the-knees I was when I got out of that water!  Somebody asked Mallory if she liked it and she said, "Yes, but my mommy got seasick!"  HA!  It was "fun", but lordy, I was glad when that boat made it to the shore!!!!  :-)

I convinced Mallory that we should go inside and play some of the games and fortunately she agreed.  Here are a few pictures of our day.  I don't have any of our boat ride, so you'll just have to imagine that one!  :-)  (These were taken with the camera on my phone, so they're not the best.)

Little Brother Watching the Fun

After the party, we met up with Nana and went shopping.  It was Jack's turn to wiggle a little bit and Mallory was tired, so SHE got in the stroller and HE pushed it!  :-)

Every so often, he'd decide to be the leader and take off running!  :-)

He's my cutie-pie!  :-)

Wow, what an adventurous day!  I'm ready for a hot shower!  :-)

Label Daddy Photo Stickers - Review & Discount Code

When I first spoke with Label Daddy about reviewing their products, I was really excited!!!  You see, I have always been envious of the labels my sister-in-law used to identify of all my little nephew's bottles, cups, spoons, and bowls.  She had received these as a baby shower gift and they were so great!  When Mallory was a baby, the church nursery workers informed me that everything I brought to church had to be labelled!  So, being the thrifty gal that I am, I decided to use Microsoft Word and make some labels on my computer. I was so proud of myself until the 1st day Mallory came home from church and all the labels were smeared from drippy milk!  And, I quickly learned it wasn't the best idea because as soon as we got home, I would have to start scraping the paper labels off so I could put them in the dishwasher.  And, most of us know that paper labels don't always come off easily and they always seem to leave that sticky goo behind!  One day I'd had enough scraping, so I just put everything in the dishwasher with the labels still on them!  Bad idea!  I had a sticky, paper mess all in my dishwasher and everything that used to have a label on it, now had sticky goo that wouldn't come off!!!

So, you can understand why I was elated when I was given the chance to review Label Daddy's products!!!  While Label Daddy has a huge assortment of products, here's what they sent me to review...

Five sticker sheets with four photos on each, all tucked away in this neat little zippered bag...

I got right to work labelling Mallory's things!  My favorite things to label were her cups and her jacket!!!  Yes, I put a label inside her jacket!  Then, I put the Label Daddy sticker to the ultimate test!  I washed and dried it!!!  And would you believe that that label looked as good coming out of the dryer as it did when I first put it inside the jacket!  I was amazed!!!  And when I washed Mallory's cups in the dishwasher, there was no sticky mess, nothing smeared, and they are ready to use again!!!

These photo labels are wonderful!!!  They are microwave safe, too!

Are your kids going to go to summer camp this summer?  It's not too soon to start thinking about how you're going to label all of their things!  Fortunately for you, Label Daddy has just launched a new promotion to help you out!!

Label Daddy Labels are the only labels out there that are laminated!

Why? Other labels will smear/run when coming into contact with lotions, sunscreens, etc....all things that your little ones will have at camp (and all summer long.) There's no point in labeling your children's items only to have the labels be unreadable after a gob of sunscreen gets on them (because we know our kids love to smear that stuff everywhere, lol!)

My little Mallory will start school this fall!  Label Daddy has a wonderful assortment of labels for all of her school supplies, backpack, lunch box, and books.  These will be a must-have for our back-to-school shopping list!

Right now, Label Daddy is offering 20% off your Label Daddy order by using the code SUMMERFUN at check out! Shipping is only $5.95 anywhere in the US or Canada.  Go order now and get that checked off your To-Do list!!!

Many thank to Label Daddy for offering these photo stickers to review!

***Disclaimer - I received these photo stickers from Label Daddy for review purposes only.  I received no monetary compensation.  The opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced in any way.***

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Million Bells

Look at these gorgeous flowers!  They are called Million Bells.  I planted this hanging basket of flowers in my birdbath in the front yard.  Supposedly they will keep mulitplying and will spill over the birdbath.

Today these flowers remind me of God's faithfulness. 

Lamentations 3:22-24 says...
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."

One of my favorite hymns says is the best...
"Great is thy faithfulness. Great is thy faithfulness.  Morning by morning new mercies I see.  All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.  Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me."

Consider His faithfulness to you today. 
Thank you, Lord, for Your presence and for Your provision.  Thank you for being faithful.

For the Guys (mostly)

My husband and my brother Josh are always asking me to post something for the guys!  Well, I received this offer today and decided it was as close as they come!  I know us girls frequent Home Depot, too, so this offer is really for anyone.  But, for Brad and Josh... here's a "guy offer"!  :-)  Hey, who knows?  Maybe your guy will get motivated to do some of those little "honey-do's" you've needed doing.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Free Stuff

Ya'll know how much I love all things FREE!!! You can sign up for free samples and coupons here!


There's a great giveaway over at My Painting Room.  Check it out!

Don't forget to enter my Charm Factory charm bracelet giveaway!!!!

FREE Olay Quench Body Lotion

Want some FREE Olay Quench Lotion?!?!?  Olay is offering a rebate for any Quench Body Lotion (excluding trial size).  Make sure you shop around and find the largest size available!!!  Click HERE for the rebate form!

We have a winner!!!!!!

WOW!  We had 98 entries for this giveaway!  Thank you all so much for entering!!!  I enjoyed reading each entry and learning about all the precious children in your lives.  I have a lot in common with so many of you! 

I have a brand new giveaway that I'm really excited about!!!  Charm Factory is giving one of my readers a finished charm bracelet of their choice!!!!!  Make sure you enter to win it here!!!!

Now for the announcement you've all been waiting for!!!!!!



for winning the Three Cups giveaway!!!!

Stacy, I know you and your children are going to love this book!  Please reply to your email and I'll get your mailing address to the sponsor!

Charm Bracelet Review and Giveaway

Look what arrived in my mailbox this week!!!

This gorgeous charm bracelet from Charm Factory!

I was so excited when the wonderful people at Charm Factory offered me the chance to review one of their finished charm bracelets!  I quickly headed to their website and clicked to the charm bracelets page.  Charm Factory has charm bracelets in all the birthstones, plus many themed bracelets.  They were all so beautiful, it was hard to make my decision!  I decided to choose the Siam Crystal Heart Charm Bracelet because it is the color of Jack's birthstone.  I have several bracelets that have Mallory's birthstone, but none with Jack's, so that helped me make my decision.

When the bracelet arrived, I was pleasantly surprised.  It is stunning!  I immediately put it on and noticed how lightweight it was!  Charm Factory bracelets and charms are all made from .925 sterling silver, the highest quality silver available. I guess I expected that to mean the bracelet would be heavy, but it wasn't.  It was classy, feminine, and very dainty.  It has figure 8 links that are woven throughout the bracelet that give a look of elegance and sophistication.  Each and every theme charm bracelet is handmade by experienced professional jewelers right here in the United States.  Isn't it beautiful?!?!?  I LOVE IT!!!

Spring is here!  A sterling silver charm bracelet is the perfect accessory for any wardrobe!  These bracelets are only $24.99 each and can be purchased from Charm Factory.

How would you like to WIN your choice of a Charm Factory charm bracelet??!?!?

That's right!!!  Charm Factory is offering one Burkett Blessings reader a finished charm bracelet of their choice!!

Mandatory entry:  Visit and choose your favorite bracelet or charm.  Come back here and leave a comment with your favorite.  Make sure you leave your email address or have it visible in your profile so I can contact you if you win!

Extra entries: Leave a SEPARATE comment for each extra entry.

- Become a public follower of Burkett Blessings via Google Friends Connect (located on the right side of my blog) - leave a comment and let me know you are a follower. If you're already a follower, just comment and tell me you are.

- Subscribe to Burkett Blessings via email - enter your email address in the subscribe area on the right side of my blog. Then, leave a comment and let me know that you became a subscriber. Check your email and make sure you confirm your subscription. If you're already a subscriber, leave a comment and tell me you are.

- Blog about this giveaway on your own blog and link back to this post. Leave 3 separate comments and the link to your post.  (3 extra entries!!!)

- Grab my button (on the right side) for your blog!  Leave 2 separate comments and your blog address. (2 extra entries!!!)

- Become a fan of Charm Factory on Facebook.

- Become a follower of Charm Factory on Twitter.


The giveaway will end Wednesday, March 31st at 9:00pm CST. A winner will be chosen via and will be notified through email as well as announced on this blog. The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email or another winner will be chosen.

Good luck!!

Many thanks to Angie and the wonderful folks at Charm Factory for offering this incredible giveaway!!

**I did not receive any monetary compensation for my review. I was given a charm bracelet of my choice for review purposes only. The opinions expressed are my own and have not been influenced in any way.**

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Candy Land Sweet Celebration Review

Hasbro has offered me two review opportunities!!  One of them will be coming next week.  The other I'm going to share with you today!!!

Candy Land Sweet Celebration!!
If you are at all familiar with the classic Candy Land game, then this new version will knock your socks off!  Candy Land Sweet Celebration game is a 3D version that is somewhat similar to the original.

There is definitely some adult assembly required, but it isn't difficult.  The game includes path pieces, 5 sweet stops, 16 treat tokens, a cardboard spinner, 5 pawns, plastic button and instructions.  It took Mallory and I about 20 minutes to completely assemble the game to get it ready to be played.

We carefully sorted all the game pieces and read the instructions. 

The 3D sweet stops are so festive and colorful.  The tokens that are obtained at these stops are placed in various locations at each stop - under the ice, under the picnic blanket, etc.  The variety makes each stop fun and unique.

In this new game, you can actually control the length of your game by building and customizing your own path.  If you want a quick game, build a smaller path!  You can use all of the sweet stops or just a few.  The game can be new and different every time you play!!  The variety keeps the game interesting and can grow with each child's maturity and ability level.

What does Hasbro have to say about this game???  Here's a quote from their website:

"King Kandy is hosting a grand celebration and everyone’s invited to his castle! But first you need to travel the rainbow path and collect a few treats to bring with you. Along the way, you’ll encounter new friends like Captain Kidd Cone, and travel to new locations like Ice Cream Harbor. But watch out for that tricky Lord Licorice! He’ll try to block your path. The first to reach the castle with all their treats wins!"

This is a fabulous game!  Mallory and I have really enjoyed playing it together!  It's going to be one of our favorites for years to come.

This game is appropriate for ages 4 and up and can be played with 2-4 players.
  Hasbro products are widely available wherever toys and games are sold, including: Wal-Mart, Toys "R" Us, Target, Kmart, and FAO Schwarz.

You can buy it directly from Hasbro here.

My sincere thanks to Jennie at Hasbro for offering me this great review opportunity!

***  Disclaimer:  I was not paid monetarily for this review.  I received this game for review purposes only.  The opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not impacted in any way by the sponsoring company.

NLT Break Through to Clarity Bible Contest and Giveaway

The New Living Translation Break Through to Clarity Bible Contest and Giveaway!!!

Visit and click on the tab that says “Sweepstakes”

Fill out a simple form, take a quick Bible clarity survey, invite your friends to join and you’ll be entered to win one of our exciting prizes.

With each fan number milestone a new prize will be given away.

Grand Prize
Apple iPad 64G and a Life Application Study Bible
Awarded when the NLT Fan Page hits the fifth milestone
Retail Value: $829.00

2nd Prize - Already awarded
32G iPod Touch and a Life Application Study Bible
Awarded when the NLT Fan Page hits the fourth milestone
Retail Value: $300.00

3rd Prize – Will be awarded when fan count hits: 3500
Kindle DX and a Life Application Study Bible
Awarded when the NLT Fan Page hits the third milestone
Retail Value: $489.00

4th Prize Will be awarded when fan count hits: TBD
Apple iPad 16G and a Life Application Study Bible
Awarded when the New Living Translation Fan Page hits the second milestone
Retail Value: $499.00

5th Prize Will be awarded when fan count hits: TBD
Apple iPad 32G and a Life Application Study Bible
Awarded when the NLT Fan Page hits the first milestone
Retail Value: $599.00

Prize Eligibility – Recently updated to include more countries

Sweepstakes participants and winner(s) can be U.S. residents of the 50 United States, or residents of any country that is NOT embargoed by the United States, but cannot be residents of Belgium, Norway, Sweden, or India. In addition, participants and winner(s) must be at least 18 years old, as determined by the Company.

Sweepstakes Starts
March 17, 2010 @ 10:24 am (PDT)
Sweepstakes Ends
April 30, 2010 @ 10:24 am (PDT)

Wait, there’s more!
Visit for a chance to win a trip for two to Hawaii!

Here are the details:
Choose one of six passages of Scripture from the New Living Translation and consider:
How do these verses encourage you to know God better?
What is God teaching you in this passage?
How does this passage apply to your life?
Submit your answer and you’ll be entered to win.

Just for signing up: Everybody Wins! Win a Free .mp3 download from the NLT’s new Red Letters Project. It’s the dynamic, new presentation of the sung and narrated words of the Gospel of Matthew. You win the download just for entering! Or choose to download the NLT Philippians Bible Study, complete with the Book of Philippians in the NLT.

Every day, one person will win the best-selling Life Application Study Bible!

The grand prize: One person will win a fantastic trip for two to the crystal clear waters of the Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu’s North Shore in beautiful Hawaii.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The 2-Seater & Softball

Kohl's has some wonderful strollers that I just discovered!!!  They seat 2 kids!!!  We tried it out today with Mallory and Jack.  What fun we had shopping!!  Mallory played train (she was the engine) and Jack played roller-coaster!  He said, "Wheeeeeee!!!!" as we strolled through the store.

Getting in for the 1st time!

Jack even looks like he's on a roller coaster!!  HA!

I can't complain because the kids are usually very good when we go shopping.  But, this was fun and definitely made our shopping experience much more enjoyable for everybody!!!

Tonight Brad and Uncle Josh had their 2nd softball game of the season.  It was an early game (compared to the 9:15 and 10:10 games!), so I took the kids to see them play.  It was pretty cold, so we bundled up a lot!!!  Nana, Jack, and I sat in the car for the majority of the game, but Mallory and Papa endured the cold and sat in the stands the whole game.

Mallory and Papa
(Unfortunately this was the only picture I took of them!  I didn't realize her eyes were closed!  UGH!)

Mallory cheering for Daddy at the fence

Mallory, Daddy, and Jack

Jack even cheered a little bit.  "Go!  Go!  Go!" he said.  We had a great time and they won the game 13-11.  YEA!

Just a reminder.... Tuesday (3/23) is the last day to enter my Three Cups children's book giveaway!!! There are 87 entries so far!!!  I'll announce the winner on Wednesday.  Good luck!  :-)
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